Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How To Fix A Windows Xp Bluescreen?

Have you ever encountered a blue screen saying that windows experienced some problem and must shut down followed by some numbers? If not, then you have been lucky! This blue screen is appropriately called the Blue Screen of Death in Windows XP that causes operating system to crash. There are several reasons that might trigger the Windows XP Bluescreen:

Corrupt Registry: Every execution takes place through registries. A registry can get corrupt due to factors like installation of new devices, software and drivers etc. Hence a corrupt registry can cause a blue screen pop-up.

Fault in RAM: Sometimes it occurs that the processor accesses some portions of the memory that are not working or that should not be accessed. This can lead to blue screen pop-up.

Now, lets talk about the remedy for Windows XP Bluescreen. First of all, attempt a system restore. If that doesnt work then take up the next option.

Put your operating system CD into the ROM and start the computer. Press any key when it asks to boot from the CD. After a few minutes you will get three options Repair, Continue or Quit. Press Enter to Continue and you will be taken to an agreement document. Press F8. Select the Repair option and then select the partition on which Windows was installed. It will start loading files and will look like as if installing a new OS. But dont worry, its not. After this, computer will restart and will ask for details like product key etc. Fill in the details and Hallelujah! The repair is finished. Now use your system as normal. If the Windows XP Bluescreen doesnt pop-up, the repair was successful.

Use a good registry cleaner software in order to keep the registries clean to avoid the blue screen pop-up.

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